Sunday, September 21, 2014

Seg #46 Katy Trail #2 OKC Homatex Trip 9/17/14

Seg #46 Katy Trail #2 OKC 9/17/14  Homatex 9/17/14 

N 35.47863  W 97.38841
N-S miles 2
N MidWest Blvd
N 35.43511 W 97.37061
Trl lgth 3.7 Ride 8.7 mi

Ride hr 1:07
AVS 6.1
MXS  mph 14.4
DST 8.7 mi
Tmp 83
Kcal 397

After a nights sleep that was not that good---too much spaghetti and meat balls, I headed for the second section of the Katy Trail an hour later than I planned. Currently the Katy trail through Oklahoma City is interrupted by downtown freeways and rail-banked right of way. I drove to the head of Katy Trail # 2 that match latitude with the end of trail # 1 (see Segment # 45). I was an hour later than I planned due to a raving heartburn. Too bad I had eaten all the apples I had brought with me. An apple will knock a heartburn ten times better than antacids.  It was perfect riding weather to ride out four plus miles and then back to the car by 11:30 a.m. I was great to see gasoline prices going for #2.86 a gallon---I wonder if I will ever see gas below $3 again? I took a picture just in case. I remember the gas rationing of the seventies when we lived in Sepulveda, California. The price then was around S1.75 and folks were limited to so many gallons a trip to the station (ten I think). Cars were lined up two blocks or more in front of our house. Back then the government was promising us we would become self-sufficient within ten years. Hmm?!  I don't remember much about the trail or ride. Pretty routine I guess. 

Oklahoma City and Tulsa sold the cheapest gas I have seen in the past decade. This station posted $2.89 but I saw signs
professing $2.86 as the lowest price. Thank goodness there have been inroads  made into alternate sources of energy. Wind farms and solar panels have expanded greatly with competitive technologies --- hopefully America will stop being
 held hostage to the middle east oil. This world is a mess having to deal with Islamic terrorists and corrupt leaders such as  Hussein, Bin Laden, Abu Bakr al-Baghadadi, Assad and on and on.. Hell's bells, I even support the Keystone Pipeline  Better to risk to the environment verses 911's, multiple wars and  beheading of innocent Americans. Oil dependence no more please! Bicycles Forever---no gas, no pollution, no noise, no congestion---a healthier population. Go figure and jump aboard.

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